Fostering artistic talent and environmental consciousness among students

Fostering artistic talent and environmental consciousness among students

The ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna organized a drawing competition on the occasion of Swachhta Pakhwada. The event involved enthusiastic participation from 18 school students representing different age groups. The competition aimed to spread awareness about cleanliness and hygiene while encouraging creativity among young minds.
The entire program was successfully coordinated by Dr. Kirti Saurabh, Dr. Kumari Shubha, Dr. Aarti Kumari, Dr. Sonaka Ghosh, Sh. Abhishek Kumar, Sh. Surendra Kumar, Sh. Manoj Sinha, along with other supporting members. The event was held under the guidance and leadership of the Director, Dr. Anup Das, ensuring its smooth execution and alignment with the overarching objectives of Swachhta Pakhwada.
The initiative was a significant step towards promoting a clean and green environment while fostering artistic talent and environmental consciousness among students.

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