Shriram Finance Boosts Emergency Medical Services in Patna

Shriram Finance Boosts Emergency Medical Services in Patna

- Partners with Zenplus and Maruti Suzuki to add 80 new ambulances

Patna, 23rd October 2024:  Shriram Finance Limited has taken a significant step to enhance healthcare accessibility in Patna, especially in remote and underserved areas. The company has partnered with Zenplus and Maruti Suzuki to add 80 new ambulances to the Zenplus fleet which will strengthen emergency medical services in the city.

Mr. G M Jilani, Joint Managing Director, Shriram Finance Limited and Ankush Ashtaputre, Vice President – Cluster Head, Mumbai, Shriram Finance Limited at the 'Healing Wheels' event held in Patna, formally handed over the keys of the ambulances to Mr. Naresh Jain, CEO and MD, Zenplus Private Limited and Mr. Jitendra Sharma, Project Head for 102 Ambulances (Bihar), Zenplus Private Limited in the presence of Mr. Dewang Shukla, Area Manager (Bihar) Maruti Suzuki. The event was held at Alankar Auto Sales & Services Pvt Ltd, Alankar Motor complex, East Boring Canal Road, Patna. Mr. Ashok Priyadarshee, CEO, Alankar Auto Sales & Services Pvt Ltd was also present at the event.
Mr. G M Jilani, Joint Managing Director, Shriram Finance Limited speaking on the occasion, said, "Our partnership with Zenplus and Maruti Suzuki is a step forward to our commitment to ensuring that critical healthcare and emergency medical services reach the farthest corners of Patna. These new ambulances will play a pivotal role in providing people with timely assistance in emergencies and provide timely life-saving medical assistance."
Mr. Naresh Jain, CEO and MD, Zenplus Private Limited speaking on the occasion said, “With the active support of Shriram Finance and Maruti Suzuki, we at Zenplus Pvt Ltd are successfully commissioning and augmenting the fleet of 102 Ambulances in the State of Bihar. This will go a long way in improving emergency medical response services in Bihar. With a fleet of approximately 2100 Ambulances, Bihar is geared up to be among the foremost state to provide world class Ambulance Services across the whole State.”

These ambulances, to be strategically deployed in and around Patna, include Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support ambulances, equipped to cater to a range of medical emergencies.

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